Why You Should Be Eating More Porcini Mushrooms

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By Dr. Mercola

Aside from being rich in valuable nutrients such as fiber, vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc, mushrooms are also excellent sources of antioxidants, including some that are entirely unique to mushrooms. Ergothioneine and glutathione, both of which are found in mushrooms, are recognized as "master antioxidants" that inhibit oxidative stress. Both are considered important antiaging compounds.

As noted in The Guardian,1 "… [S]cientists think [ergothioneine and glutathione] may help to protect the body against the maladies of old age, such as cancer, coronary heart disease and Alzheimer's disease." Ergothioneine appears to have a very specific role in protecting your DNA from oxidative damage,2 while glutathione is important for successful detoxification of heavy metals and other contaminants.

According to Robert Beelman, Professor Emeritus of food science and director of Penn State Center for Plant and Mushroom Products for health:3

"[C]ountries that have more ergothioneine in their diets, countries like France and Italy, also have lower incidences of neurodegenerative diseases, while people in countries like the United States, which has low amounts of ergothioneine in the diet, have a higher probability of diseases like Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's.

Now, whether that's just a correlation or causative, we don't know. But, it's something to look into, especially because the difference between the countries with low rates of neurodegenerative diseases is about 3 milligrams per day, which is about five button mushrooms each day."

Porcini Mushrooms — An Antioxidant Powerhouse

While all edible mushrooms have beneficial properties, some are more potent than others. As noted by Beelman, " … [W]ithout a doubt, mushrooms are the highest dietary source of these two antioxidants taken together, and some types are really packed with both of them." When it comes to the antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione, wild ceps (Boletus edulis4), commonly referred to as porcini mushrooms, contain the highest amounts.

Beelman and colleagues at Penn State measured levels of these two antioxidants in 13 different species of mushrooms, and wild porcini mushrooms were the clear winner.5,6,7,8 That said, even the white button mushroom contains more of these antioxidants than most other foods.

They also found that mushrooms high in glutathione are also high in ergothioneine, so the two appear to be correlated. More good news: Ergothioneine and glutathione are heat stable, so cooking your mushrooms does not significantly affect their health benefits.

Porcini Are Popular With Gourmet Chefs

With a strong, nutty flavor, porcini mushrooms are commonly found in Italian dishes and are a favorite among gourmet chefs. Mushroom-appreciation.com9 offers a number of recipes and serving suggestions for porcini mushrooms....

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When Arteries Become Hard

You may have heard of hardening of the arteries but what exactly does that mean? Healthy arteries within the body should be elastic allowing for smooth blood flow. However, as we age our arteries become stiff and less flexible. This is how the actress Lucille Ball died despite the best efforts of her medical doctors. […]

The post When Arteries Become Hard appeared first on My Cardio Grade.


Insulin Resistance - A Hidden Cardiovascular Disease Threat

Due to the millions of dollars in marketing techniques expended by the prescription drug sector, people are most likely to associate heart attack and stroke risks with high levels of cholesterol. Statins (drugs that lower cholesterol), have created millions in revenue for these corporations. One well-known corporation’s statin drug exceeds several billion dollars in sales annually. Many are beginning to question the potency of these types of drugs in limiting heart related illnesses.

Doctors are now discovering a close link between insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease..  Research now show that insulin resistance in reality, provides a direct link between metabolic disease and cardiovascular risk. Unfortunately, many have not considered the link and are now noticing it includes an root problem with regard to heart related illnesses. Exactly how are these diseases connected and just how can you reduce the risk of both?

Heart  Disease and Diabetes

Heart disease and diabetes happen to be very closely intertwined. The two disorders share hidden links. People identified with diabetes have an elevated danger of having a cardiovascular event. The same holds true in reverse, if a person has cardiovascular disease, diabetes is much more likely to arise. Here are several intriguing information about diabetes and heart disease:

Diabetes and heart disease are closely connected. Diabetics that don't have heart disease have exactly the same chance for a heart attack as non-diabetics who have heart related illnesses.
The initial step in guarding against metabolic syndrome would be to gauge the risk of insulin resistance through simple blood tests measuring HDL, insulin, triglycerides, CRP and DHEA.
Proper diet along with exercise can improve insulin resistance and inflammation without the use of prescription drugs.
Nutritional supplements that assist in lowering insulin resistance include  fish oil, white bean extract, chromium, vitamin D, Lipoic acid, DHEA, beta glucans, resveratrol, magnesium, cinnamon, and polyphenols found in cocoa, green tea, and apples.
Most people which have cardiovascular disease and diabetic issues tend to be insulin-resistant  -this leads to raised blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL, heightened inflammation, and an greater danger of diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

Metabolic Syndrome - Also known as Insulin Resistance

Metabolic syndrome is actually recognized by many names - syndrome X, borderline diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome, amongst others and is often linked to  increased inflammation in addition to a three-fold or higher risk for diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

Metabolic syndrome has been shown to raise atherosclerotic plaque even when everything else, such as your Bad cholesterol, is at ideal levels. Kept in mind however excellent LDL , hidden atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease can continue to rage within your body.

The very first thing that you can do to protect yourself from the risks connected with metabolic syndrome is to get screened. Do your research to find out what test are best suited for you by consulting your doctor or research online.  

The possibility that you may have metabolic syndrome goes up as you gain body weight. Consequently even should you suspect you may be nearing insulin resistant, loosing weight is going to be smart way to begin supporting oneself.

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