Does Sex Make You Live Longer?

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Does Sex Make You Live Longer?

For some species of insects, sexual activity significantly shortens life. Sexual activity often equals reproduction, which can actually be protective against some conditions (for example, breast cancer).

So, is there a consensus about the impact of sexual activity on human lifespan? We will explore some research to provide insight on the topic.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Risky sex and the diseases associated with it are a contributor to premature mortality in many areas of the world. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), although not solely sexually transmitted, remains among the world’s top ten causes of death. Human papilloma virus (HPV), another sexually transmitted microorganism, is associated with cervical, vaginal, anal, and head and neck cancers. However, modern medicine and contraception are widely available in developed areas of the world.

Sex and Heart Disease

In most developed countries, cardiovascular disease leads the list in mortality causes. While regular exercise is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and aid in rehabilitation, some heart disease patients are afraid to engage in sexual activity. Is the fear justified?

In a study reported in 2015, researchers at Ulm University analyzed sexual activity during the 12 months prior to a heart attack among 536 patients.2 Compared to having sex less than once per week, subjects who had sex more frequently had a 56% lower rate of subsequent cardiovascular events, including fatal and nonfatal heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death, per 1,000 patient-years after adjustment for age, smoking status, physical activity and other factors.

To help answer the question concerning whether sexual activity might trigger heart attack, the researchers found that only three patients reported engaging in sex within an hour before their heart attack, none within one to two hours, and 1.5% within 3 to 6 hours. Seventy-eight percent reported engaging in their last sexual activity at least 24 hours prior to the event.

A study that involved 1,274 men and 605 women with a history of heart attack found that mortality during the first year following the event was 2.1% for those who reported engaging in sexual activity within one month after their heart attack, compared to 4.1% among those who were inactive, leading the researchers to conclude that mortality was not significantly increased in those who were sexually active soon after their event.3

Note: As discussed in the Life Extension protocol...

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Unfortunately Ralphie May Was No Surprise

  On October 6, 2017 Ralphie May was found dead in a private residence in Las Vegas.  May’s manager claimed that the Last Comic Standing celebrity had been fighting pneumonia which had caused him to cancel several his tour. Two months after comedian Ralphie May was found dead in a Las Vegas private residence, the […]

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Video thumbnail for youtube video Cholesterol ֠

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Video thumbnail for youtube video Cholesterol –

Video thumbnail for youtube video Cholesterol - MyCardioGrade.netWhile there can be many causes of heart disease, there is one that continues to show up in the news, and that is excessive sugar intake.  I have known for quite some time that added sugar can be a problem for our cardiovascular system.

Busted Pipes – Busted Arteries

It occurred to me one day when I used to work at the airport. Underneath the concourse there were these huge pipes and one of them had busted. There was this brown sticky stuff that seemed to be losing from the pipes. I asked one of the workmen what it happened? He told me that the pipe had busted and I asked him why? He said the pipes get clogged from all the sugar is being poured down the pipes. I asked him why they were pouring sugar down the pipes? He said that they were not pouring sugar down the pipes but it came from all the soft drinks that the restaurants empty into the sink. If the sugar in soft drinks could do that to these 8 inch pipes it made me wonder what it could do to the veins and arteries in our bodies?

Researchers have known for quite some time that more heart attacks take place on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. Some would say it is the cause of the stress that people experience on this day. However, could it be a combination of stress and overeating which would include excessive carbohydrates? I believe that it is a combination of factors rather than one singular item causing these heart attacks.

There can be no substitute for a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and stress reduction techniques when it comes to heart disease. If you or someone in your family is suffering from some type of cardiovascular disease I invite you to investigate Cardio Cocktail.


CDC – Heart Disease Home – DHDSP
Aug 12, 2014 Vital Signs: Preventable Deaths from Heart Disease and Stroke … Added Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Among US …

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Military Diet: Meal Plan, Potential Benefits & Risks

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Military diet - Dr. Axe

Supporters of the very low-calorie “military diet” claim that you can lose up to 10 pounds in less than one week if you follow the diet precisely. But can you actually lose 10 pounds in just three days, and if so, is it even healthy to do so?

Many experts believe that when people lose weight very quickly due to severely restricting their calorie intake they are actually losing a combination of water, some fat mass and also some muscle mass. (1) A fast decline in water that’s stored inside muscles and other tissues is likely the primary reason that someone can drop pounds so quickly when following a calorie-restrictive plan like the 3-day military diet.

The problem with “crash diets” is that once the diet ends and people return to their normal ways of eating, they are likely to gain back most or all of the lost weight. Knowing that, is the military diet a weight loss plan that is effective and worth a try, or just another quick-fix diet fad?

What Is the Military Diet?

The military diet is a very low-calorie diet plan that some people choose to follow several days per week in hopes of losing weight quickly. How much weight loss might the military diet lead to? Up to 10 pounds in 3–7 days, according to those who promote the diet. However, there isn’t much evidence that this speed of weight loss will occur for every person, and even if it does, there are definitely still some drawbacks of the military diet to be aware of.

How Do You Follow the Military Diet?

  • The military diet is also sometimes called the “3-day military diet” due to how it restricts calories for three days of the week. The diet is split into two parts over a one-week period: for three days straight you limit your calorie intake while you adhere to the diet’s strict meal plan, and then for the next four days you “take off” from the diet and eat normally.
  • The four days of the week when calories are not purposefully being restricted you can eat whatever you’d like to for the most part, although some people also choose to restrict calories these days as well in order to further accelerate weight loss.
  • The military diet does not exclude any specific types of foods, such as all animal products or all grains, and is not very low in only one specific macronutrient (carbs, fat or protein).
  • The military diet promotes weight loss simply because it’s very low in calories — but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s healthy. Following the diet carefully for three days will keep calorie intake to only about 800–1,100 calories per day, which is far less than adults need to maintain their weight and cover all their nutrient needs.

Military Diet Origins and Facts:

Did anyone with a military background actually help create the 3-day military diet? Although the name implies that people who are either hoping to join the military or who are already in it use the diet to shed weight quickly and perhaps stay in shape, there isn’t any evidence that the...

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No-Carb Diet Plan Benefits, Foods to Eat & Potential Risks?

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No-carb diet - Dr. Axe

By Jillian Babock and Rachael Link, MS, RD

Take a moment and imagine slashing your carbohydrate intake by 90 percent. It sounds incredibly challenging but still possible. Now imagine following a no-carb diet plan completely free of all carbohydrates, including pasta, bread, legumes, baked goods, sweets and even fruits and vegetables. To many, the thought of a low-carb diet, let alone a diet without any carbohydrates at all, probably seems like a cruel form of torture.

As opposed to the high-carb and sugar-addicted diets that most people living in industrialized nations eat today, no-carb diets tend to spark fast weight loss by reducing foods like grains, fruits and sweeteners. Cutting these sources of carbs from your diet changes what type of macronutrients your body uses for fuel. Each no-carb/low-carb diet is a bit different, but most drastically reduce glucose (sugar) intake over the course of several phases, resulting in a  diet that keeps carbs to about 20–50 net grams or even less daily.

Some people following a near no-carb diet consume up to 80 percent to 95 percent of their total calories from fats and proteins, especially from things like oil, fattier cuts of meat and butter. Compare this to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendation of consuming 45 percent to 65 percent of your total daily calories from carbs! (1)

Is a very reduced carbohydrate diet healthy or even safe? Although it’s very difficult to eat next to no carbs for an extended period of time, when done short-term and in a healthy way, very low-carb diets can be beneficial for the right people. Reduced carb diets, including the ketogenic diet, have well-documented health benefits — including helping treat seizures or epilepsy, obesity, dependence on sugar for energy, and common risk factors for diabetes and/or metabolic syndrome.

While study results are mixed overall, certain large studies have found that low-carb dieting tends to be more effective for short-term weight loss than low-fat diets. And generally speaking, the lower-carb the diet is, the likelier it is to result in very rapid weight loss, especially for those struggling with obesity. On the other hand, carbs are needed for more than energy — they also give us fiber and are found in plant foods that contain essential nutrients, such as antioxidants.

So should you, or shouldn’t you, give low-carb dieting a try? Below you’ll find out how no-carb diets work, which foods are included, potential benefits and also the risks involved.

What Is a No-Carb Diet? Is It Even Possible?

Although comparable to the ketogenic diet, a diet that severely limits carbohydrate intake and focuses on healthy sources of fat and protein, a no-carb diet eliminates carb intake completely. Even foods that have small amounts of carbohydrates are off-limits in this restrictive diet.

While it may come with similar health benefits as low-carb and ketogenic diets, it also comes with a whole different set of risks and...

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Dear Uber Driver, Please Stop Using Air Fresheners Immediately

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Dear uber driver please stop using air fresheners - Dr. Axe

Getting from point A to point B in a healthy way is getting easier and easier. Take the airport, for example. Water bottle filling stations keep millions of plastic water bottles out of our oceans and landfills, all the while protecting our bodies from bottled water risks. And have you noticed healthy snacks popping up in airports and even gas station pitstops? Things like organic fruit, nuts and grass-fed jerky are easier and easier to find. Bike sharing programs and bike lanes, organic fast food and even exercise bikes in airport terminals are now a thing. Traveling is getting healthier and I’m certainly grateful for these options.

But there’s still one major travel problem I consistently deal with time and time again … the dangers of synthetic scents. Have you ever stepped into a ride-share vehicle or taxi and just been absolutely floored by fragrance chemicals? Dizziness, headache, fatigue, asthma, nausea … it’s not just in your head — people experience very real (and often varied) symptoms after fragrance exposure. That’s because different scents contain chemical cocktails that can damage virtually every system of the body, including the immune system.

After talking to colleagues and patients and other friends and family members, it became clear I wasn’t the only one up in arms about the chemical assault taking place in these vehicles. There’s actually a petition circulating, urging Uber to ban all air fresheners and fragrances from vehicles. (Here’s another one from an allergy sufferer.)

I understand Lyft, Uber and taxi drivers aren’t on a mission to harm riders. But despite mountains of research showing clear links between synthetic scents and health problems, car air fresheners are still readily available. Old-school ones you hang off of the rearview mirror, vent clips, gels and car-specific deodorizing sprays are legal and, unfortunately, many drivers still use them.

Why Taxis & Ride Share Vehicles Should Ban Standard Air Fresheners

Here are some fast facts on synthetic fragrances:

  • About 95 percent of chemical fragrances are derived from petroleum, according to the National Academy of Sciences. (1)
  • Drivers in cars loaded with synthetic scents may become desensitized and no longer even notice the strong odors. This is known as olfactory fatigue. (2) This could explain why you feel overpowered by the fumes when you get in the car and some drivers may seem oblivious.
  • Fragrances contain an unidentified mixture of ingredients, including known carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, allergens, respiratory irritants, reproductive toxicants and neurotoxic chemicals. A single air freshener could contain thousands of different chemicals. (3)
  • Not all symptoms linked to air fresheners are obvious. Some of the lesser-known side effects include infant diarrhea and earaches, dermatitis and ventricular fibrillation. (4)

Anne Steinemann, PhD, a world-renowned researcher who focuses on fragrances and human health,...

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Blood Pressure Guidelines | 130 Is the New ӈigh

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New blood pressure guidelines

In newly published blood pressure guidelines,1 the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and nine other health organizations have agreed that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is now defined as 130 and higher for systolic blood pressure, or 80 and higher for diastolic blood pressure.

It is a major change from the old definition of 140/90 and higher, and the first update to U.S. guidelines on blood pressure detection and treatment since 2003.

Lower Your High Blood Pressure at Pritikin

The focus for lowering blood pressure at the Pritikin Longevity Center is daily exercise, heart-healthy eating, getting stress under control, and other lifestyle-based skills.

“…definitely an improvement”

“These new guidelines are definitely an improvement. As we have taught at the Pritikin Longevity Center for the last four decades, dramatic increases in heart attack and stroke risk do not begin with blood pressure readings of 140/90. They begin at much lower readings like 130/80,” states Seth Marquit, MD, Medical Director at Pritikin.

In an American Heart Association news release, Paul K. Whelton, MD, lead author of the new guidelines, noted the dangers of blood pressure levels between 130-139/80-89:

“You’ve already doubled your risk of cardiovascular complications compared to those with a normal level of blood pressure. We want to be straight with people – if you already have a doubling of risk, you need to know about it. It doesn’t mean you need medication, but it’s a yellow light that you need to be lowering your blood pressure, mainly with non-drug approaches.”

The non-drug approaches recommended by Dr. Whelton and co-authors of the new guidelines are lifestyle-based, and include:

  • Losing excess weight
  • Launching a healthier diet, particularly one like the Pritikin Eating Plan that is plant-based and lowers sodium intake
  • Exercising daily
  • Drinking less alcohol
  • Lowering stress

“Lifestyle changes as the first line of therapy”

“An important cornerstone of these new hypertension guidelines is a strong emphasis on lifestyle changes as the first line of therapy. There is an opportunity to reduce risk without necessarily imposing medications,” Richard Chazal, the immediate past president of the American College of Cardiology, told The Washington Post.

Concurs Dr. Marquit: “Since 1975 at the Pritikin Longevity Center, we’ve seen, every day, the power of healthy lifestyle changes to reduce blood pressure. The good news for many of our guests is that lowering of blood pressure to healthy, normal levels happens very quickly, often in a matter of days.”

Consistently, studies have documented the blood-pressure-lowering benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

Below are research highlights:

  • Seven studies have demonstrated that the Pritikin Program of eating, exercise, and lifestyle-change had quick and profound benefits for individuals with hypertension. Researchers from UCLA combined the data from all seven studies....

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