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Video thumbnail for youtube video Cholesterol - MyCardioGrade.netWhile there can be many causes of heart disease, there is one that continues to show up in the news, and that is excessive sugar intake.  I have known for quite some time that added sugar can be a problem for our cardiovascular system.

Busted Pipes – Busted Arteries

It occurred to me one day when I used to work at the airport. Underneath the concourse there were these huge pipes and one of them had busted. There was this brown sticky stuff that seemed to be losing from the pipes. I asked one of the workmen what it happened? He told me that the pipe had busted and I asked him why? He said the pipes get clogged from all the sugar is being poured down the pipes. I asked him why they were pouring sugar down the pipes? He said that they were not pouring sugar down the pipes but it came from all the soft drinks that the restaurants empty into the sink. If the sugar in soft drinks could do that to these 8 inch pipes it made me wonder what it could do to the veins and arteries in our bodies?

Researchers have known for quite some time that more heart attacks take place on Christmas Day than any other day of the year. Some would say it is the cause of the stress that people experience on this day. However, could it be a combination of stress and overeating which would include excessive carbohydrates? I believe that it is a combination of factors rather than one singular item causing these heart attacks.

There can be no substitute for a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and stress reduction techniques when it comes to heart disease. If you or someone in your family is suffering from some type of cardiovascular disease I invite you to investigate Cardio Cocktail.


CDC – Heart Disease Home – DHDSP
Aug 12, 2014 Vital Signs: Preventable Deaths from Heart Disease and Stroke … Added Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Among US …

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